Celebrating Gladioli - The Flower of August

History and Symbolism:

The Gladiolus, often referred to as the "sword lily" due to its long, pointed leaves, has a storied past that dates back to ancient times. The name "Gladiolus" is derived from the Latin word "gladius," meaning sword, a nod to its sword-like appearance. In ancient Rome, Gladioli were associated with gladiators and were often used to honour their victories.

Symbolically, Gladioli represent strength, integrity, and sincerity. They are also seen as a symbol of infatuation, with their towering stems conveying the message, "You pierce my heart." This combination of strength and romanticism makes Gladioli a versatile flower, perfect for a range of sentiments from admiration to celebration.

Colours and Meanings:

Gladioli come in a dazzling array of colours, each carrying its own unique meaning:

  • Red Gladioli: Symbolise deep love and passion.
  • White Gladioli: Represent purity and innocence.
  • Pink Gladioli: Convey admiration and gentleness.
  • Yellow Gladioli: Express cheerfulness and positivity.
  • Purple Gladioli: Stand for grace and mystery.

With such a wide palette, Gladioli can be tailored to suit any mood or message you wish to convey.

Caring for Gladioli:

To ensure your Gladioli bouquets remain vibrant and long-lasting, here are some simple care tips:

  • Cut the Stems: Trim the stems at an angle before placing them in water to allow better absorption.
  • Water and Vase: Use a clean vase and fill it with fresh, lukewarm water. Change the water every two days to keep the flowers fresh.
  • Placement: To prolong their life, keep your Gladioli in a cool area away from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Support: Due to their height, Gladioli may need support. Consider using a tall vase or floral stakes to keep the stems upright.

Special August Offer:

To celebrate the beauty of Gladioli this August, we’re offering a special discount on all Gladioli bouquets throughout the month. Whether you want to add a touch of elegance to your home or send a meaningful gift to someone special, now is the perfect time to enjoy these stunning blooms.

Special Offer: For the entire month of August, enjoy 15% off all Gladioli bouquets. Simply use the code GLAD15 at checkout to redeem your discount.

Celebrating Gladioli - The Flower of August